Cooroy offers a delightful mix of heritage buildings interspersed with award winning modern architecture designs and street scaping reflective of the town’s heritage.
For the Cooroy community and beyond
Cooroy-Pomona Lions Club Diane Baker (Pres.) Peter Cusack |
5485 5050 5485 1922 |
Rotary Club of Cooroy Andrew Aves www.cooroyrotary.org.au |
0421 407 097 |
Cooroy-Eumundi Garden Club Brian Barrow |
5442 6663 |
Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre | 5442 6665 |
Cooroy Scout Group Elaine Williams (Group Leader) |
5485 1475 |
Cooroy State School P&C Maree James (Pres.) |
5472 2100 |
Coorora Woodworkers Club Jim Pound www.cooroorawoodworkersclub.com |
5442 6995 |
Care/Vacation Care Programme Ann Scanlan (after school care) |
5447 7622 |
Probus Club of Cooroy Lyn Bunney, Secretary |
0400 116 995 |
Cooroy Chamber of Commerce | Contact |
Cooroy CWA Hall | 5447 6140 |
Forest Star Community Paper Jennifer Sadler |
5442 5585 |
Cooroy Rag | 5442 6699 |
Cooroy Noosa Genealogical & Historical Research Group Inc.info@genealogy-noosa.org.au | 07 3129 0356 |
Cooroy Camphor Laurel General enquiries – Stan Ryan, President Tree assessments for Timber use and timber sales – Bruce Cabot |
5447 6198 5447 6062 |
Cooroy Queen Alexandra Masons Lodge No 212 Rick Templeton |
5442 8887 |
Permaculture Noosa Elisabeth Fekonia (President) http://permaculturenoosa.com.au |
0432 180 523 |
Cooroy Girl Guides Bunyip – Della |
0412 442 480 |